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What a special day for this gramma. ♥️ My love of horses goes WAAYYY back to my grandkid’s ages. I finally had horses when I was in my 20’s.

After going thru a very deep depression after losing my son, my thoroughbred horses Blaze and Chubs, that were given to me, helped to pull me out of the darkness, get out of bed in the morning, and discover a whole new world. Some of the  BEST therapy I’ve ever had was bonding, caring for and riding horses. It has been instant therapy for me at every barn visit I make.

I couldn’t wait to share the love with my own children, and finally I am so thrilled to watch the blossoming stages of my grandkids learning about horses as well. I saw my 7 yo granddaughter change within her very first lesson.

The rescue I used to volunteer for when I lived here,  Hidden Acres Rescue for Thoroughbreds has a trainer there, Kyra. She is TERRRIFIC!

I can’t thank her enough for what she did with us today. Because I’m only in Florida a few days, I asked to squeeze her lesson in because I really wanted to see her first lesson in person and be a part of it.

Not only did she make time for Harrow’s lesson, but I complicated things as my other grandkids were with me all day as well. Kyra went above and beyond as did the volunteers in the barn, by making the kids feel comfortable, involved and informed.

The kids got to hand feed Flick and be a part of all of the grooming. (Which I believe is such an important part of the process of learning about horses)! It was extremely educational for the kids to be a art of all of it.

When my granddaughter Harrow entered the barn for her lesson, she was very serious, intimidated, nervous, overwhelmed and trying to take everything in. The barn was full of activity with all different kinds of horse personalities.

By the time she left after almost 2 hours, she was walking tall and proud, relaxed, comfortable and with a different level of confidence.

Her friend Flick, stood so patiently while Harrow learned the importance of cleaning his feet! I’ve seen many adults not able to tackle this because they were too intimidated. Kyra believed in Harrow and helped her find her confidence while reminding her she could do it!

I was SO proud of Harrow for standing up to everything she was challenged with during this lesson.

It was so cool to watch her go from hesitant, serious and focused, to relaxed and smiling telling Flick what a good boy he was! She felt her first horse bond. 😊

Thank you Kyra for this very special day. Today couldn’t have gone any better and you helped to create a special memory for all 4 of us.

I HIGHLY recommend this kind of lesson for anyone of any age. Something quite empowering to be able to “control” an animal under you that is over 500 lbs. whilst forming a bond with the animal.

Harrow hasn’t stopped talking about the experience and of course her cousins are wanting to return as well. 😊

Here are some highlights of the experience. Many thanks! Review 1

- Review 2

. - Review 3

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